The Only Way to Have Spaghetti

I don't think there is a better feeling than coming home to homemade pasta.

Don't believe me? 

Well unfortunately there were no leftovers, but I cannnn show you.

See what I mean?

 Make the dough with the dough ingredients.

Mush it real good.

 Roll it out

Use a pizza roller to cut slices of pasta.

 Flour it and set aside.

Our audience was captivated.

Pasta pre-boiling.

Carrots for the sauce.

Shittake mushrooms for the sauce.

Even the cats think it sounds yummy,

If cutting costs use crushed tomatoes. Real are yummy too.

Heat tomatoes, add mushrooms, carrots, spices, and bay leaves (fish those out later!), and heat.

Blend/puree the sauce, really helps get the flavors mixed!
Cut up some Lou-sized bites of chicken. Season with some Lou-stuff.

 Heat in a pan. And add to sauce.

Add to sauce and put it on boiled and drained pasta.

Lick bowl clean after.
Thanks for a fantastic and delicious meal, Lou :)

What's your favorite thing to add to your pasta-sauce? 
Have you ever made homemade pasta? Any tips?



  1. I really want to make my own pasta!

  2. I've never made my own pasta, but I love it so much that I really should! This looks amazing :)

  3. I've never made pasta before but would love to sometime! I bet it's sooo much better that store bought pasta.

  4. Fresh pasta to eat and the cutest kitties to play with = envious over here!

  5. Homemade pasta really is the best. Mr. A does a wonderful job with it. The kitty butts are precious!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88


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